Saturday, September 08, 2007

Argentina, first impressions

First, im thanking God that the weather has finally smiled on me. After spending the past 7 weeks in the frigid cold, albeit beautiful, shadow of the mountains im freakin thrilled to be in the arid north of Argentina. Though the landscape is nothing to write home about (no pun intended) the beat of the sun warms my spirit!

4 years have passed since I`ve seen my argentinian sister cecilia! how great is was to see her!!! she is so mature now, frequently conversing about very difficult and deep topics, most hospitable (wont let me buy anything), and welcoming!

the trip to santiago del estero was long...and arduous. 1 day and a half to Buenos Aires, which by the way i wish i had way more money and time to spend there because it seems fabulous! very much like new york, grand city, bustling people, good public transport and an international feel and flavor. love it! but i only spend 1 day there for another 14 hours to santiago...

argentina? very dirty, it seems like they dont give a hoot about trash collection or litter. or else its already so bad they`ve given up hope. or maybe it sticks out here because the surroundings are so arid? argentinians? awesome! love to have long, intellectual discussions, which is of course a love of mine as well, though quite difficult to sustain in spanish for hours on end. love to walk all over the place (average 1 hour per day at least i guess). go out at night extremely late (we didn`t even go out until 3 am last night, returning at 7). eat great great meat, oh man im gonna get fat its soooo good! extremely passionate about futbol. very proud of their beautiful women (well justified). and not the cocky, too-good-for-this-continent that everyone makes them out to be...



Blogger leah v said...

by the way how do you make your links to facebook w/out making people log in?

7:39 PM  

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